Read Our Latest Newsletters To Learn What We’ve Been Doing
2024 July
The first half of 2024 certainly brought changes to Warm Hearts Warm Babies (WHWB). We are very happy to welcome both new volunteers and agencies.
2024 April
A special good-bye to a long-time volunteer, Theron Bredeson.
Warm Hearts~ Warm Babies (WHWB) is entering a period of renewal and regrowth as we face economic down and the unexpected loss of several volunteers who performed key tasks. It will take everyone’s positive attitude and help as we renew our mission
2022 December
A t a big THANK YOU to all our Warm Hearts Warm Babies volunteers. When we put the word out for certain items in need for Layettes, you all pulled through for our babies. Each month we have been able to fill 125 to 150 Layettes and additional requested items such as blankets, octopi, positioning rolls, dolls, preemie, and bereavement items
2022 September
I’m calling on you to think about different organizations around you that may help us continue our mission. Ideas are Corporate donations or gifts, Church sewing groups, Sewing guilds, Senior centers, Local businesses, and Friends. Share your love and enthusiasm for Warm Hearts Warm Babies with everyone you know and meet!
2022 June
The Colorado Springs Work Group has been busy at their meetings making crafts for the fall craft sales. Some things made are Sewing Bobbin Tree Ornaments, Quilted Scottie Dogs, Cork Horse Ornaments and Men’s and Ladies Adult Bibs. The men’s bibs are modeled below – made from men’s shirts.
2022 March
I would like to encourage you to visit the Baby House for the first time or the hundredth. It takes many hands to run this organization from sorting donations to filling Layettes. Nothing happens without our wonderful volunteers, but we need more hands. More hands working at home sewing sleepers, clothes, afghans, and bags. More hands volunteering to put layettes together. More hands (voices) spreading the word about our wonderful pursuit.
2021 December
This is just one of the many things that have happened during the time I have been working with WHWB. These happenings give all of us assurance that our work with the “babies” is the direction and path that we should be on. We are blessed each and every day.
2021 October
When preparing to write the article for the WHWB newsletter, I always say a prayer asking for guidance as to the message I should be giving to our volunteers We have been blessed with two new additions as Sandi Powis and Karen Nelson have accepted the Board vacancies. We are so lucky to have both of these ladies, as their many talents will be an asset to the running of our organization.