Community Gratitude
Agencies And Individuals Warming Our Hearts
Our volunteers do not create beautiful layettes for appreciation, they do it for mothers and their babies. However, we do appreciate knowing that what we are doing is making a difference in the lives of those mothers and babies. Below are just some of the wonderful things people have sent to us.

“Thank you all for the wonderful handmade bags filled with donations for the babies here in need. These bags of handmade items always make our mothers smile, and often bring happy tears. We really are glad you all share your time and talents providing these gifts to our sweet babies. Thank You!”
Evelyn, Steph, and Tina
"Thank you so much for the beautiful and adorable diaper (tote) bags, complete with needed supplies! It is so kind and generous of you to put your time and incredible talents into such a wonderful project. As you know our families are all low-income. They really appreciate the beautiful bags, blankets, and clothes. We appreciate your thoughtfulness"
Margo Sobocinski, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Executive Director, Carin Clinic
“Thank you for your in-kind donation of 10 blankets and 5 quilts received in August 2022. We are deeply grateful for your contribution – and your support of the families served by Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver. We are grateful for your partnership and for extending your care and compassion to others through your generosity.”
John Burtness, Development Director, Ronald McDonald House of Denver
“Thank you for your gift of 20 bibs, 20 burp cloths, 10 quilts, 16 blankets, 20 hats, 12 octopus, 10 receiving blankets, 5 diaper bags and 6 funeral buntings to Denver Heath Foundation’s Newborns in Need Fund. One-third of all babies in Denver are born at Denver Health and most are to families struggling to get by. Our Newborns in Need program gives every child born at Denver Healthy a healthy start in life by providing necessities – such as diapers, blankets, bassinets, and car seats – that help them thrive. ”
Crystal Potter Rivera, Executive Director, Denver Health Foundation
"Thank you for all you do for the babies in Colorado. We are thankful we get to be a part of this wonderful ministry. Thank you for all of the donations of infant supplies that you have shared with us throughout the years – we are so grateful we can be a part of your wonderful organization…sending a donation we hope will be a blessing. Keep up the good work!"
https://lovelandnaz.org/Loveland Church of the Nazarene, Where the Loveland WHWB Group meets
"The Carin Clinic would like to thank you for all you do for our families. We were especially blessed when we were able to get layettes during the pandemic. I can’t express the joy it brings to our mothers when they receive your gifts. They are usually overwhelmed by the love and generosity from complete strangers, and they are always very appreciative of your gifts. Carin Clinic says Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
"Thank you for your steady support of the St. Augustine Food Pantry. We are very grateful for your work in making the layettes for newborn babies. May God Continue to bless you and your mission to help needy babies."
"Multiple times every year we are blessed by your generosity to our clients and their growing families. You share your many talents with quilts, afghans and many clothing items for our clients. One of the great things you share are the tiny angels for our miscarriage mothers. May God richly bless you as you bless our clients."
Mary, R.N., Director, Longmont Life Choices Center